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"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus 


It is with this spirit of camaraderie and admiration that I welcome all of you to the 12th edition of the Sanskriti Model United Nations ! As we celebrate another chapter of this truly extraordinary event, it is important to cherish and appreciate each iteration of SMUN as it serves as a testament to the ideal that defines Sanskriti: Knowledge is liberation. 


Today, SMUN stands as a pinnacle among the plethora of activities students partake in, hosting intellectually vibrant and diverse students from all around the world who will serve as the catalysts of change and torchbearers of our society. It is in this confluence of minds, that we witness the birth of leaders- youths who will mold not only the future of our globe, but transform the status of humans from polarized individuals to citizens of the world.


As we navigate through the tempestuous and complex challenges posed by the 21st century, we require multifaceted solutions that transverse geographical borders. SMUN promises a forum where intellect is ignited, ideas are exchanged and diplomacy is promised. Within the three days of the conference, we hope to promote empathy, resilience, and innovative thinking as delegates embark on a riveting journey covering a variety of epochs and inciting multitude of crisis scenarios while honing their caliber for handling the unpredictability of our ever-evolving world. 

Thus, I invite all of us to share our commitment in charting the course towards a world that lives off innovation, compassion and inclusive betterment and progress. ‘engaging our youth in meaningful dialogue and molding them into emissaries of change’. 

SMUN stands as a testament to our collective pursuit of enlightenment, dialogue and rational problem solving. Keeping that in mind, I sincerely hope all of you will join us to foster a more harmonious world. 



Myra Agrawal

Secretary General 

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