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"If all of humanity minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he would, if he had the power, be justified in silencing mankind."– John Stuart Mill


Greetings Students and Faculty Advisors!


It is my privilege to welcome you all to the 13th edition of Sanskriti Model United Nations. At Sanskriti, we strongly believe that dialogue, initiative, collaboration and the freedom to speak one’s mind are fundamental pillars of humanity that need to be shared across the globe. It is with this vision that Sanskriti Model United Nations was launched 15 years ago- to provide tomorrow’s leaders with a platform to engage in debate over some of our generation’s most pressing issues and explore solutions.


In an era when conflict is ever increasing, the current generation is tasked with tackling novel challenges that none of our predecessors ever anticipated. Thus, it is of utmost importance for the new generation to be aware of what is right and what is wrong, what is just and what is unfair. For it is not hostility and war but apathy and indifference that will lead to the death of humanity. The moment we cease to care about the struggle, dreams and aspirations of others, is truly the moment that mankind has failed. SMUN aims at reviving this spark of empathy and understanding, encouraging students to analyse global issues, even those that extend hundreds of thousands of kilometres from their homes.


This edition of SMUN simulates a multitude of issues from wide-ranging time periods. From the Peloponnesian War in 432 BCE to the Future of Space Exploration in 2040, from the Revival of Democracy in post-emergency India to the Battle against the Synthetic Opioid epidemic spread in the world, each committee presents a unique issue for you to change the entire course of. I promise you that we will do everything in our power to keep you all engaged and leave a lasting impression, whether you're a seasoned “Munner” or a first timer.


Until April

Yours truly

Aditya Karnik

Deputy Secretary General

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