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The Delian League 


Amairah Anand

Director of Semi-Crisis


Shriya Shravan Sareen

Director of Semi-Crisis

Committee: Semi-Crisis Unconventional

Agenda: Peloponnesian War (Athenian Cabinet)

Freeze date: October 17, 432 BCE

Additional directors: Hrishik Malhotra, Prashali Dayal, Vivan Balhara

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Every kingdom in the ancient world holds its breath as Attica and Laconia tremble on the brink of annihilation. Embers of discord kindle and threaten to engulf the Hellenic world in a blaze of ambition and bloodshed. This battle stands not as a simple conflict of swords but as a clash of ideologies - Athens, resplendent in its naval dominance and democratic ideals, now battles the looming shadow of Spartan discipline and their unyielding phalanxes, ready to unleash hell. Athens, emboldened by its golden age, has allied itself with Corcyra, antagonising Corinth, a staunch Spartan ally, and setting the stage for a spiral of hostilities. 


This council convenes at a critical juncture prior to the imminent war. Delegates will step into the sandals of Athens' most influential figures: Pericles, the visionary of Athens, striving to defend the supremacy of his empire; Cleon, Pericles’ antithesis, representing the commercial class and advocating for aggression against Sparta, General Nicias, a circumspect man, yearning for the reign of peace; and many more, each championing their own public and covert motives. Each city-state is tasked with a crucial decision that will result in either their survival or extinction: the owl or the wolf.


Athens’ decree against Megara tightens its grip on Corinth’s lifeblood, choking trade and stoking resentment. Meanwhile, the Spartans, ever on their hunt for eternal glory, sharpen their blades and bide their time, like wolves circling a wounded prey. The fog of discontent thickens, veiling Greece in uncertainty, as alliances strain and trust unravels. War does not merely loom - it breathes down the neck of every decision made within this council. Each word spoken here could ignite a chain reaction which propels the Hellenic world into the fires of chaos or, perhaps, steering it towards a long peace. 


This is no ordinary assembly; it is a crucible where diplomacy, strategy, and ambition collide. The decisions made by this gathering will monumentally alter history - for better or for worse. The ‘Ekklesia Charter’ that this council seeks to create could either restore the lost balance to the illustrious Greek world or, with a single misstep, plunge this nation into the depths of a battle unlike any seen before. 


The Semi-Crisis Committee blends the traditional Model United Nations affairs with a spark of crisis. Delegates will have to face the daunting tasks of constant threats, diplomacy, rapid updates that change up the flow of the committee and many more. 


Delegates the fate of Attica and the entire European subcontinent is in your hands;

Will you be Greece’s Salvation - or its epitaph?

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